Monday, 21 July 2014

stop smoking or regret it..

Smoking is often not just a habit but an addiction. It is easy to become dependent on tobacco products and be controlled by cravings for them, more so if you are a young person. However, with persistence and professional help, a smoker can overcome this addiction.

Dire warning to all adolescents: You can get “hooked from the first cigarette.”

What causes the addiction?

All tobacco products contain nicotine, a substance which is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. When a smoker takes in a puff, the nicotine hits the brain in 10 seconds and brings about a sudden release of glucose, and increases blood pressure, respiration and heart rate. These effects are caused by the drug's stimulation of the adrenal glands which releases adrenaline into the bloodstream. Over time, this leaves the smoker's body and mind craving for more nicotine, and if the levels of nicotine are not maintained, a smoker will experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, frustration and anxiety. As a result, a smoker finds it very difficult to simply stop using the tobacco product.

        The younger one is when he starts smoking, the harder it is to quit later. There has also been recent scientific evidence that shows that just one cigarette is enough to get a person addicted to nicotine.

        Nicotine is not only found in tobacco products that are smoked like cigarettes, cigars and shisha; smokeless tobacco products such as snus, snuff, and betel quid also contain nicotine.

Are you addicted to nicotine?

Even a small amount of tobacco can quickly lead to nicotine dependence.

Some of the symptoms include:
1.   You tried to stop smoking but you cannot. You have made serious, but unsuccessful attempts to kick the habit.
2.   You experience withdrawal symptoms when you go "cold turkey". You experience strong cravings for tobacco products, anxiety, irritability,     restlessness, difficulty in concentrating, depressed mood, frustration, anger, increased hunger, insomnia, constipation or diarrhea when you attempt to stop smoking.
3.   You cannot stop smoking despite having health problems.
4.    You give up social or recreational activities in order to smoke. You may stop or avoid social situations where you cannot smoke.


  1. Yeah agree with the statement.. cigarettes nowdays are the demolisher of mankind

  2. I dont know why some people like to smoking while they know smoking oftenly will harm on their health. Any suggestion?

  3. Suggestions for what??.. to overcome or make them realize about it??

  4. Which one is more harmful to health? Smoking or shisha? Why do you say so?

  5. Smoking is not an addict actually. They just want to look cool with something smoky inside their mouth. I dont know it is true or not. Thats what i think
