Monday 21 July 2014

stop smoking or regret it..

Smoking is often not just a habit but an addiction. It is easy to become dependent on tobacco products and be controlled by cravings for them, more so if you are a young person. However, with persistence and professional help, a smoker can overcome this addiction.

Dire warning to all adolescents: You can get “hooked from the first cigarette.”

What causes the addiction?

All tobacco products contain nicotine, a substance which is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. When a smoker takes in a puff, the nicotine hits the brain in 10 seconds and brings about a sudden release of glucose, and increases blood pressure, respiration and heart rate. These effects are caused by the drug's stimulation of the adrenal glands which releases adrenaline into the bloodstream. Over time, this leaves the smoker's body and mind craving for more nicotine, and if the levels of nicotine are not maintained, a smoker will experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, frustration and anxiety. As a result, a smoker finds it very difficult to simply stop using the tobacco product.

        The younger one is when he starts smoking, the harder it is to quit later. There has also been recent scientific evidence that shows that just one cigarette is enough to get a person addicted to nicotine.

        Nicotine is not only found in tobacco products that are smoked like cigarettes, cigars and shisha; smokeless tobacco products such as snus, snuff, and betel quid also contain nicotine.

Are you addicted to nicotine?

Even a small amount of tobacco can quickly lead to nicotine dependence.

Some of the symptoms include:
1.   You tried to stop smoking but you cannot. You have made serious, but unsuccessful attempts to kick the habit.
2.   You experience withdrawal symptoms when you go "cold turkey". You experience strong cravings for tobacco products, anxiety, irritability,     restlessness, difficulty in concentrating, depressed mood, frustration, anger, increased hunger, insomnia, constipation or diarrhea when you attempt to stop smoking.
3.   You cannot stop smoking despite having health problems.
4.    You give up social or recreational activities in order to smoke. You may stop or avoid social situations where you cannot smoke.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Anime Addiction??

The word anime is the pronunciation of animation in Japanese where this term references to  all animation which is defined as animation from Japan or as Japanese-disseminated animation style.

Here’s story about a boy who is addicted with anime.

     It started when he was six. Like any other boy, he is an introvert and misfit kid. He could not adapt to his surrounding and sometimes people called him a freak because of his attitude. When people don’t want to be his friends, he started to be alone. He always skips school and quarantine himself in his room, watching animation because Anime became the latest trend for all teenagers in his school and having a good storyline that makes the students hook up. He falls in love with its cool animation, which has a vibrant colour and very fascinating every time he watch a single episode. When he got hooks up with it, he starts to behave like one. He considers himself as the character of his favourite anime. He willing to spend his money buying CD, manga, action figure and much more. He even tried cosplaying himself with his favourite Anime characters. His parents also aware about his problem but they leave him be like that because they thought it just his hobby.

      This Anime addiction affects his potential behaviour problems, which cause him to do or follow the anime that he watched that he think will actually happen when he do it. This addiction affects his mind because he so much addicted to that kind of anime. He starts to imagine him and everything else in Anime form and he can't stop watching Anime. He thinks Anime and video games are real and wish it really were. If he not on the computer, he completely bored and his mind is being engulfed in a sea of a being of his creation. The being is a mixture of his sorrow, rejection, desire, and obsession with Anime. And now, it affects his studies by distracting his concentration in class and his academics started to go down drastically. Then he becomes a failure, he doesn’t have anything to help him for his future. Talk about physically, he is not a sporty type. Because of this Anime addiction make him stay indoor than outdoor. Now, he became a failure. Everyone couldn’t help him because of his behaviour who isolate himself.

It not that loving animation is a bad thing. Just control yourself in what we love


 A R E  Y O U  A D D I C T E D  W I T H  I N T E R N E T???

It is common to surf internet nowdays. but it is uncommon to surf the internet all long day!!!! we must put a limit on how long we should surf the internet. This is because we could put our eyes on high risks if we watch the screen's computer too long. Addicted of internet will give effect to your physical and mental because it make your body become weak and your mental become weaker and weaker.  

Internet addiction affects as many as one in eight Americans, according to the Center for Internet Addiction. Dr. Jerald J. Block in a 2008 article in the "American Journal of Psychiatry" suggests Internet addiction should be included in the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Block defines Internet addiction as a compulsive activity involving excessive use, withdrawal and negative repercussions including social isolation, lying, low achievement and fatigue.


 For example, online casinos often prove irresistible to people struggling with gambling problems. If a person with a history of problematic gambling is only using the Internet to place bets, it's likely his behavior is just a progression of his existing gambling addiction and not an entirely separate disorder. The same logic would apply to someone with a shopping addiction who can't stop buying items on eBay or a sex addict who spends eight hours each day looking at pornographic websites.



  • Each time you sign on to the Internet, note the date, time and sites you're visiting. 
  • Record how you're feeling before you sit down at the computer to determine if you're using the activity as a way to alleviate boredom, find companionship or soothe yourself after a professional or personal conflict or setback.
  • Discover how much time you actually spend on the Internet and uncover factors that lead to the desire to "lose yourself" on the computer. 

Wednesday 9 July 2014


    Nowadays, selfie is a common thing for teenagers,childrens,and adults. This is because selfie stand by its words : 







Even our prime minister also always take selfie with his friends. Now, selfie become phenomenon.For example,the issue of U.S President Barack Obama,taking selfie pictures at Nelson Mandela's funeral has given rise to various interpretations and question of whether it is appropriate do that in such situation, Selfie phenomenon may be acceptable if it is done within certain limits, as long as it does not bring trouble or harm to themselves or others.


a teenagers become so obsessed with taking the perfect selfie picture tried to kill himself when he tried to do it

Danny Bowman,19, spent 10 hours a day taking up to 200 snaps of himself on his iphone.

SELFIE is good for sometimes but addiction of selfie is not acceptable because it may make an addicters becomes worst. For example: 

  • does not want to come to school
  • does not want to complete his/her works
  • try and try over again to make himself/herself looks better infront of the camera
  • become aggressive with his parents
etc,etc,etc :)

Technology is a good things for the world but it may cause some disadvantages to those who not take the benefits of technology. smart phone could be use for many things besides taking a selfie. selfie could give a person mental emotional when there's some person comment on her/his selfie photo. negative comment will give effects to some person who does not bear of mental torture.


When people get addicted.


Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences. Example of addiction are drug addiction, alcohol addition, gambling addition, gaming, social network addiction and many more. Addiction can cause problems not only towards that particular person but also to the people around them. An addict do not have control over himself. When a person is addicted to something, they cannot control how they use it and become dependent on it to cope with daily life. The causes of addiction vary considerably and are not often fully understood. They are      generally caused by a combination of physical, mental, circumstantial and emotional factors. 


Why addiction is bad ?
·         Addiction has the potential of altering one’s perception on responsibilities, laws and legalities.
·         It can lead to complications that not only affect the person involved in addiction but also the people surrounding him or her.
·         Addiction on students can effect in their concentration and motivation which is it will dropped.
·         Addiction can increase the number of sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancies and  more.
·         It can lead to anxiety and depression.

What are the factors that can lead to addiction?
     Environment is  a factor that is potential for someone to be addict. For children and teenagers, when they lacks of parental involvement or supervision, there a risk that enable them to involve in alcohol and drugs addiction. Peer pressure is also a risk factor for addiction even for adults. The pressure from friends to fit in or accepted in social circle can often create a root towards addiction. As for college students , it easy for them taking drugs or alcohol and much easier for them to become addicted.
     Dual diagnoses  is someone who has an identified addiction as well as mental disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression. Mental-emotional condition can predispose a person to addiction. This cause a destructive cycle in which the addiction tends to progress rapidly. For example, when a person taking a pain pill after injury or illness might become addicted to that substance.
    Factors that can lead to social network addiction is for those who are experiencing frustrations in life. They turn internet or social network as their form of escape, leads them to addict to internet and so on. There are many aspect for them to become addicted because of their difficulty in life such as problems at work, physical illness, poor school performance, failing relationship, and lack of money.

Ways to overcome addiction.
·         Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to overcome addiction.
·         Knowing the harmful effects of your addiction such as a risk for getting a serious illness or maybe for your mentality which is addiction may lead to shame and embarrassment.
·         Think about positive changes when you overcome the addiction such as freedom and more time to spend on people, hobbies and so on.
·         Seek personal and professional support. Search in-person someone that can help you prevent the addiction or making an appointment with therapist skilled.
·         Don’t give in to rationalizations and don’t listen to the people telling you to start back up and don’t give up yourself when it starts to feel hard.